Termination  wasn’t always the solotion to solve some mis understanding between employer and employee. If you are not happy with your domestic helper about certain things try speaking to her heart to heart just you and her explain to her how the things in your house want her to be done. Speaking in a soft way and leaving her comfortable. But if you have decided to terminate her contract then this is some guidance for you. Speak to her about the situation and explain your reason why you are terminating her, leave her understand your reason of doing it.


1 . Termination with one month notice. Either party may terminate the contract by giving one month notice letter.

2 . Termination without notice or Payment in liue. Either party may terminate the contract.

For employers, there are some amount payable to the helper on termination or even expire of contract depend on a number of factor as the lenght of service.

  • Wages in lieu of notice if any.
  • Outstanding wages.
  • Other sum due to the helper in respect of employment contract like, one way air ticket to place of origin, food travel allowance and if there is other things beside those mention above.

please be advice to keep the receipts for such payment signed by both party.

Sometimes termination of helpers contract is not always beacuse of misunderstanding, sometimes the reason is either one of the following.

– Termination due to relocation of employer.

– Or due to financial problem.

– And finally, due to the employers death.

Either one of this is the reason kindly support the helper with reference letter and proof to help her find another job easier without her going back to her country of origin.